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  1. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    Being unwilling to get in another war on Mainland Europe to stop Germany and protect other countries such as Poland or Russia or France is completely different then protecting British territories in North Africa much less the Suez Canal.
  2. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    I cant see France going to war in 36. Yes GB didn’t want to support going to war before 39. If France truly was willing to go it alone then they could have. This no Allie’s pod is not going to make it any easier or more likely that France will go to war vs Germany, GB may not have wanted to...
  3. Better Pre War AntiSub considerations.

    I wonder if we come at this from the other direction. Everyone was developing submarines including the US, Germany and GB itself. And while the first subs were short ranged everyone knew the ultimate goal was for an ocean going sub. So what does the RN imagine these subs (both their own and...
  4. What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    It is going to take a very wealthy backer to aford to start a new network in the 60s. And i am not sure you can even do an all music network as using over the air transmission means you have to meat federal rules for a TV station. So you probably cant build it if you won a network already, and...
  5. What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    MTV as we know it as an independent channel that (originally) was all mu chic all the time with its playing of music videos is impossible in the 60s. You need a broadcast network with a lot of local stations and the related antenna and other hardware And that cost a large fortune. You can get...
  6. Strictest 9/11 response?

    While I think we may have seen a big war in terrorists, you will need to change the attack/attackers to get a war with Pakastan. And while you may see a huge crackdown on Muslims especially those that are not citizens you are not getting much more domestic ly as what we did get was pushing it in...
  7. Zubr Class skirtless hovercraft

    They tried to use the air to form a skirt to contain the air, but it can’t hold pressure all it can do is slow the escaping air a bit. In effect it can help improve the “ground effect”. But it can’t hold pressure and thus you still need to move a ton of air to keep you hovering, the y tried...
  8. Railroad What If: Fates of the Pennsylvania Railroad, New York Central, and Erie Lackawanna without the Penn Central Merger

    They will either be absorbed by other railroads or much more likely they will go bankrupt and be sold off whole or in chunks to other railroads. Parts of the Erie and the Pennsy could be bought out by the C&O for example. At one point decades earlier they there was consideration of merging the...
  9. Zubr Class skirtless hovercraft

    NOTE THE FOLLOWING IS MAJORLY OVER SIMPLIFIED Ground effect is an interest thing, It is why the Great Caspian Sea Monster and her flock could work ak ekronoplanes (sp?) It is one reason that Sail planes have landing issues and one reason the U2 sucks to land. As the closer it gets the more...
  10. Better Pre War AntiSub considerations.

    I am not sure I agree. The Subs up yo WW1 and even after, as noted were slow, even on the surface. So they logically suck at attacking fast navy ships. Surface raiders WERE a known thing pre WW1, and GB HAD considered them. So the idea that SOMEONE may go after merchant ships was a known...
  11. Plausibility Check: A "Blunted" 9/11

    If the FBI stops this then odds are they get all 4 If airport security somehow stops it then who knows and if an air marshal stops it (i believe they were flying pre 911?) then you stop 1. I have trouble seeing a way that the FBI only stops two. I will also point out that we DID get a blunted...
  12. Better Pre War AntiSub considerations.

    So the Submarine by 1905-10 was figured out well enough that it could start to be considered a func weapon. POD: So what if some officer in the RN or perhaps France Russia or The US, starts taking them seriously and realizes that once a good submarine is deployed it is going to be a nightmare...
  13. What if WWI ended in 1916 with a status quo ante bellum?

    A-H while understandably concerned with the situation in the Bulkans was 100% ridiculous in its list of demands. And was give all but one of those. Now if they want to discuss other issues fine, but don’t pretend the issue is one thing when it is something else then and don’t demand that...
  14. WW1 starts with Tanks

    Your best bet is to get a few minor wars or other military engagements where an Armored car is useful. Say GB. In Africa, the US in Mexico or along the boarder or what have you. And as experience with armored cars builds up they evolve into a tank. But WW1 was really to soon after the...
  15. What if WWI ended in 1916 with a status quo ante bellum?

    Huh? You mean they thought that a treaty could be reached? well like everyone else (now or then) they are entitled to their own opinions. Bet let’s look at a few things. If A-H was willing to be reasonable they would not have started the war in the first place as they were offered MORE then...
  16. Would a Hybrid Heli-Carrier style Airship be practical?

    It would work better if it was just a heavy lifter. You load everything needed to make a forward airbase, then you fly to an area land and build a forward airbase that won’t fall out of the sky and be destroyed with one missile. We are slowly approaching the point where Navy Aircraft Carriers...
  17. What if WWI ended in 1916 with a status quo ante bellum?

    I have always thought that IF the power’s involved had been reasonable/realistic then once the race to the sea made it obvious that no one was winning the war in any fast way, that they would have gone to the table to negotiate a way to end the war. But EVERYONE had hidden agendas that they...
  18. What if Churchill didn't under-estimate the Turks at gallipoli?

    I am not sure that it was POSSIBLE to stand up this operation in such a fast manor that the other side would have no clue. Pulling this off in WW2 would have been hard doing it with WW1 technology and equipment? Good luck. Add in trying to do this while fighting in France? Even harder.
  19. What if Churchill didn't under-estimate the Turks at gallipoli?

    yea this was the B team and the plan kept changing. But the reality is that while they could have done better then they did They were just not going to achieve the goals with the numbers that they had. If you give them the choice leaders then you will simply get farther inland before they get...
  20. Zubr Class skirtless hovercraft

    It is a matter of air presser (in over simplified term). you need to push down hard enough to push up however much weight your vehicle needs. In the case if the lift platform show in the still of video that is not as that weights next to nothing. The problem with this is when you build...