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  1. AHC : Make the 1970s An Ameriscrew

    The Soviet Union invades and overruns all of Western Europe in 1978. Jimmy Carter decides not to commit American nuclear weapons.
  2. I’m writing an althist WW3 novel, and I want your thoughts. Feel free to ask questions for greater context.

    Can I have some of the fine crack cocaine you must have been smoking when you came up with this? :)
  3. What if Canada took over the Northern United States?

    Can some mod PLEASE move this to ASB where it belongs...
  4. Omnicide: World War III In 1953

    This is just too good...hope it's coming back.
  5. Please help me find this book

  6. Was there ever a realistic danger of a disarming Soviet first strike against the US in the 1977-1989 period?

    I read the book without realizing it was ten years old, he'd left it at a cliffhanger, and NEVER WROTE THE SEQUEL TO END THE STORY. God, I hate that.
  7. Looking for a couple of old threads--please help?

    I can't for the life of me find the ORIGINAL Protect and Survive thread--I could have sworn there was a story only thread. There also was a thread about life in Australia/NZ during/after a nuclear exchange--I can't find it. Can someone please help?
  8. How far back do you have to go to avoid "current politics"...

    I know Trump is off limits... Is Obama far enough back at this point? GWB?
  9. Was there ever a realistic danger of a disarming Soviet first strike against the US in the 1977-1989 period?

    Just watched this video: It starts off with a scenario where 95+ percent of our Minutemen missiles, and over 90 percent of our bombers, and 60 percent of our SLBM submarines, are destroyed on the ground by a Soviet first strike that only hits strategic military targets, with 8 million US...
  10. Please help me find this book

    Can anyone help?
  11. Please help me find this book

    I remember reading a book on Kindle a number of years ago about West Virginia trying to secede in the early 21st century, and how the rebellion gets crushed. I believe the author wrote a couple of more books and made a small series out of it. But for the life of me I cannot remember the...
  12. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Why do I get the feeling the A4 is eventually going to turn China into the world's largest paved-over parking lot?
  13. Is dead?

    Hasn't been updated in a lonnnnng time... (Since the site deals with books thought it would be appropriate for this forum. Sorry if I'm wrong.)
  14. AHC: US Strategic nuclear first strike (1962-1991)

    Should you choose to accept it, your challenge is to give a plausible scenario where the United States launches a first strike on the Soviet Union with strategic nuclear weapons, between 1962 and the end of the Cold War.
  15. The Second World War, 1939-1977: An Alternate History of WW2

    This should be sent to ASB where it belongs.
  16. Prime Minister David Miliband’s government: 2015-??

    This is current politics, methinks...