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  1. Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    One does not entirely have to imagine the last paragraph it accurately encapsulates the position in Turkey re Armenia (and to an extent Kurdestan)
  2. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    The thing to remember is that to a certain extent the CSA has been smited. Whilst it won its independence large parts of its territory and economy are in a bit of a mess, ie physically missing due to war. Its power projection is thus as a state currently a bit limited, it might struggle to...
  3. The Assassination of Tony Blair - A British TL

    The prisons are going to be crowded with that policy on drugs he will need to build dozens of them
  4. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    Wont work the UK may have some issues with the Irish at this time but its not going to be told how to run its relations with others by the US of all will be seen as heavy handed interference even by those who share the [prejudices.....
  5. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    The Esmeralda was the worlds first protected cruiser (British built) and was deployed to Panama during the crisis of 1885 when the US had intervened with orders to prevent the annexation of Panama by all means necessary. The ship never actually faced the USN, but US reports at the time...
  6. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Given Chile was able to face down the US alone with the Esmeralda otl can it be assumed that only European powers can face down the CSA. I would think not.
  7. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    There is in fact very little evidence of British public support for the confederacy OTL outside of one unguarded remark by Gladstone, which is always cited. In part this was the Confederacy's own fault with the self destructive Cotton embargo alienating potential supporters. More generally...
  8. Challenge: European queen comes out as a lesbian and marries a woman

    The point I was making is precisely that it is the cultural view point that matters not the precise citation thank you for reinforcing my point although you clearly did not mean too. One caveat though the Vatican did not believe in burning witches then or now whatever the public thought. Belief...
  9. Challenge: European queen comes out as a lesbian and marries a woman

    It also forbids eating ham borrowing money with interest and onanism and advocates for slavery and for burning witches so perhaps not a complete guide to moral behaviour even in pre modern times the issue is more culture and tradition than exact biblical texts
  10. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I suspect British public opinion will not support an actual alliance with the CSA unless both are attacked by the US for reasons similar to UK pub lic opinion on the Ottamans
  11. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    I expect the UK and France may say go away to the CSA if they push it too much and may decide Mexico would make a nice anti CSA proxy in the region as time goes on and secondly the CSA just is not that big a threat to a reasonable sized nations like Chile that the UK anf France could potentially...
  12. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    On the plus side a weak and enfeebled US is much better news for the rest of the Western hemisphere given the tendency for the US to support every corrupt dictator who makes a vaguely anti communist statement that constituted US foreign policy for most of the second half of the 20th Century. Not...
  13. What if Edward the confessor had a daughter

    hmm he would have to have sex first to get a child so would not be the confessor in the first place.
  14. Why isn't the Episcopal Church called the Church of America?

    Even before the first amendment the colonies were not universally Anglican There was no established church overall so it could not be called by thje term used for established churches.
  15. WI: The Church of America?

    It is simply that the term Church of ... Ireland for eg refers to the fact that it was once the established church, as was also the case in Wales and Scotland and remains so in England. So it cant happen in the Americas and that was the case before the Constitution as several of the colonies...
  16. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    There are decent people in Natcorps territory but none of them are in their administration, army or other arms of their state and sooner or later their narrow base of support from the wider population will doom them.[
  17. CP Victory:Labour wins 1918 election

    Plus the telegram was not the reason for entering the war unrestricted submarine warfare was the main cause. If that has not happened the UK is in a much stronger position in a number of ways, including economically. Additionally I also don't believe for a moment that US banks even without an...
  18. Keeping the British Liberal Party flag flying high

    Hmm did the PO have any software issues like Capture or Horizon ittl.
  19. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    Produced in the same spirit as "springtime for Hitler" no doubt