Recent content by rfref

  1. The Perilous Fight: America's 40 Years of Reckoning

    I was hoping Pershing would succeed where US Grant failed, but I don't blame him for not wanting to deal with Congress grandstanding about budgets all the time
  2. TLIAW: In The Rough

    The whole Armstrong saga was such a roller coaster. Can't wait to see what you got next!
  3. "What Madness Is This?" Volume III: The Pinnacle Future

    I speak for everyone when I say we are in full support of you, My Atheling. Fiat madness ruat caelum! In all seriousness, that job wasn't worth your time if they fired you over some nonsense like that. You got this.
  4. The Iron Eagle - The History of the Cold War

    Since the Soviet Union isn't around to fund a decolonization movements and rebellions, who is around to fill in the void? China perhaps?
  5. Cinco de Mayo

    Reading this timeline has been a joy and a delight. Godspeed @KingSweden24. I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait for the sequel!
  6. The Iron Eagle - The History of the Cold War

    I speak for everyone when I say Huey "Long Dong" Long, the Kingfish, the once and future president, must and shall survive!
  7. "What Madness Is This?" Volume III: The Pinnacle Future

    Tbf that's entirely in character for Oswald
  8. Horus Triumphant - an Alternate Antiquity timeline

    Take all the time you need, you can't rush greatness!
  9. The Iron Eagle - The History of the Cold War

    What is the situation in Africa at this time? In OTL the 1960s saw widespread decolonization, is there anything like that TTL?
  10. After the Assassination of George W. Bush - An Alternate History of the early 21st century

    A shame about Taiwan. Lovely country. I spent the past three years living there, I suspect I would not in this timeline.
  11. This Guilty Land: A Post-Civil War Timeline

    Great timeline, can't wait for the next update!
  12. Hell or Highwater: Buddy Cianci and the Decade of Malice

    Great chapter! Btw, who was John Kiely OTL?
  13. Cinco de Mayo

    Strong AFC vibes
  14. Hell or Highwater: Buddy Cianci and the Decade of Malice

    Nah, you're doing fine. It's good to get an international perspective on this timeline.
  15. With the Crescent Above Us 2.0: An Ottoman Timeline

    Which novel in the series is being referenced? I've read a few, but I don't recall a Suleiman Osman.