Recent content by omrk

  1. The Iron Eagle III - Fallen Eagle

    I wonder if we will see an assassination attempt on Goldwater which if successful will bring vice president Walker to the front with Rockwell as the mastermind from behind. They both were racists and fascists otl so they might trigger the civil war with their policies.
  2. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    What the Croatian nationalists will do now that the Germans support the Serbian?
  3. Schwarz-Rot-Gold! - A Weimar Germany TL

    Are we going to see a Red Alert scenario coming?
  4. Stars and Sickles - An Alternative Cold War

    Agreed, every TL has its own crazy Africa but a one with somewhat balkanization of the Pacific area is always welcome.
  5. Stars and Sickles - An Alternative Cold War

    Great chapter, refreshing to see an independent West Papua and giving Nusantara a bloody nose. I hope East Timor will escape their hard occupation our otl.
  6. Stars and Sickles - An Alternative Cold War

    Glad to see this TL back in full force, guess I will have to read it all over again
  7. Mon Cher Sixte - A Very Habsburg Graphic TL.

    Why did the Allies agreed to Serbia being occupied by the Austrians in the peace treaty?
  8. What are some of the best Axis-victory TLs?

    Lancashire Life: An account of The Great Patriotic War Is one of the best I think
  9. Stars and Sickles - An Alternative Cold War

    Great to see this TL back, one of my favorites, any chance you post a map of the world?
  10. Destroyer of Worlds

    Damn, I really hoped the subcontinent will got a sort of good ending. what is the situation in Sri Lanka? are the LTTE getting he upper hand?
  11. Destroyer of Worlds

    Great TL, enjoyed every chapter. Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East is bad news... I wonder what nuclear Iran impact will be on Iraq? will Saddam try to obtain WMD to counter Iran? the Shia in the south will probably try to rebel again with Iranian backing.
  12. The Alternate Cabinets Thread

    Following their 'marginal victory' in the September 2019 election, Blue&White coalition formed a minority government with the Joint List (Arab political parties alliance) supporting from the opposition but with major concessions to their demands. Although the coalition managed to outset Benjamin...
  13. Twilight of the Valkyries: A 20 July Plot TL (Redux)

    Just finished reading this amazing TL, waiting for the next update.
  14. The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

    I don't really find it plausible for the UAR to attack Tel Aviv with chemical weapons, how it support's their cause and current military situation? they are not in full retreat and still hold northern Israel and parts of Trans-Jordan, so why further antagonizing the west to support Israel? Even...