Recent content by Legacy

  1. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Except it wasn't presented as an excuse. He said that Germany would still be at war even if they were nice people because they had a reason to invade Czechoslovakia and Poland. He was asked what that good reason was, at which point he spouted the Liebensraum propaganda BS unironically.
  2. KAA instead of JKR pop culture TL (I couldn't think of a better title)

    So, here's the idea: What if, somehow, Animorphs were to make a sufficiently large splash originally that it reached the kind of explosive fame that the Harry Potter franchise did?
  3. WI: Wright Brothers were never born?

    Sometimes, all it takes to add a little feasibility to an idea is Orange-and-Blue morality reality manipulators doing things for no discernible reason. :) Oh, there's a gem for another effect: some crazy guy, noticing that powered flight and aircraft are constantly failing, develops a theory...
  4. WI: Wright Brothers were never born?

    And powered flight, vs. Wright Bros. births, is post-1900. Wright bros. were born in 1867 and 1871. Yeah, I can see that. I'm tempted to stand on a podium and scream, "RELEASE THE ALIEN SPACE BATS!!! FLY, MY PRETTIES, FLY!!" just to see someone take the idea and run with it, disregarding the...
  5. WI: Wright Brothers were never born?

    Okay, then. Let's revise the criterion: Powered flight isn't developed until significantly later, like mid-20th-century. And yes, I know that would mean having an admin move this to the After 1900 thread.
  6. WI: Wright Brothers were never born?

    Hi. I"m new here, and as something of a developing fascination with airships, I have to wonder: what would happen in the world of flight if the Wright Brothers were never born and consequently, powered flight remains unattainable (at least for a significantly longer time than OTL. I'm looking...