Recent content by Fehérvári

  1. Sigismund of Luxembourg died in 1394

    That's true, but Hermann's influence was already skyrocketing by that time. AFAIK, he became Sigismund's confidant after Nicopolis, and I'm not exactly sure how was he viewed prior to that. Maybe, but it wouldn't solve the Ladislaus issue (and would also drag the country into the Habsburg...
  2. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    What if the Crusaders win at the Battle of Zlatitsa(1443)? How could the campaign continue to develop? Is there a chance for the Cruaders to reach and perhaps take Edirne? What kind of peace could they force on the Ottomans?
  3. Sigismund of Luxembourg died in 1394

    Afaik he didn't even try to claim the Serb crown IOTL. ITTL he would have a strong backer, and some Serbs might be panicky enough (because of the Ottomans) to recognise/support him. It was just a random wild idea though, it's an unlikely match. Is he of high enough standing by this point...
  4. Sigismund of Luxembourg died in 1394

    He has Árpád and Nemanjić blood though. He might not have actual power to speak of, but his lineage could help build a strong base in Bosnia and Serbia. Deposing Dabiša and strengthening Hungarian authority in Bosnia could face much less resistance with him beside Mary. If we're being a bit...
  5. Sigismund of Luxembourg died in 1394

    How about the future Tvrtko II? He would be too young to marry in 1394 (only around 13), but that might be a positive for Mary since she could have a grace period to rule without much restrain. The match could also help build a loyal base in Bosnia (and/or a good casus belli to assume direct...
  6. Wiener Schnitzel Arrabiata - consequences of a summer 1918 Italian Victory at Vittorio Veneto

    It is a very interesting question, but were the conditions present at the time for Italy to achieve this level of victory? Wasn't the Piave still flooding at the time? Did the Italians have enough munitions prepared for a large offensive? How does the Hungarians troops not getting summoned home...
  7. WI: Emperor Goodinand Assassinated in 1832

    I think the government would embrace the "thoughtful progress" ideas of the Conservative Party (led by Dessewffy) and a more constructive dialog/cooperation would be established with Széchenyi and the Centralists (led by Eötvös). This development could certainly help keep the relations between...
  8. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    An interesting article (in Hungarian) that mentions him:
  9. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    On that note, the next King of Hungary was often crowned already in the lifetime of his precedessor, so Franzi getting crowned could also solve the issue at hand.
  10. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    Great chapter! Was this piece specifically chosen because of the poem its based on? Kazincy: The Day of Prurification I don't think such law/custom existed. It would be more than strange if it did, the King having to get approval from one of his own subjects to enter his own domain...
  11. What if Hungary won the 1848/49 War of Independence?

    Those are some heavy accusation. I wonder if you can back them up?
  12. What if Hungary won the 1848/49 War of Independence?

    How can you even claim that? The British, French, Russian, etc. empires spanned over continents within the same era. Compared to that, holding onto the Carpathian Basin is nothing. Not to mention, the Hungarian mistreatment of the country's minorities is a bit overblown here. Everyone got the...
  13. Medieval Hungary

    If you want to learn more about medieval Hungary in-depth, then I can't recommend enough Schwerpunkt on Youtube! His content is absolutely amazing, it's very thourough!
  14. What if Hungary won the 1848/49 War of Independence?

    If the scenario needs to include open confrontation between Hungary and Austria, then the earliest POD we can work with is in 1848's October. If the parliament and the OHB comes to an earlier decision concerning an attack into Austrian territory (and the army accepts it), then the Hungarian main...
  15. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Officially it could be "State of the Romans" but probably everyone would just call it "Greece" (much to the annoyance of many of its citizens).