Recent content by devin65

  1. BACK IN THE USSA (Newman)

    thanks for info thanks much about the information for this writer! sounds like hes written some fascinating stuff-i guess i never had heard of him-but i will definitely try to find his work now!
  2. remembrances of things not past

    i was listening to a radio show about a year ago and the topic was about people who remembered events that didnt actually happen (in this tl anyway).i think the show was coast to coast with george noory which i usually listen to for entertainment only!!i became interested in the program however...
  3. BACK IN THE USSA (Newman)

    newman? i feel kind of stupid posting this but i dont think ive ever heard of this newman character and i thought i knew of quite a few british sci-fi authors-unless this is one of those many "blanks" i have where later on i wonder how i could be so forgetful-maybe alzheimers beginning at age...
  4. story idea

    i was thinking about writing a short story or novella about the same set of characters in our own timeline and in a timeline where germany was basically victorious in ww2 in europe and the us became a communist state in the 30s.there is virtually no democracy in this other timeline and a...