Recent content by cast2007

  1. Alterntive History Armoured Fighting Vehicles

    From what I can see a Bradley platoon is separated into 2 two IFV sections. The four Bradleys then carry three nine man squads.
  2. WI: Iraq Won the First Gulf War?

    Zelda, You're way over estimating the competence of the Iraqi military. These guys were horrible in the Gulf War and barely knew what they were doing. Most of these guys barely knew what they were doing. In addition due to the fact that they had multiple suppliers, yes they had a large army...
  3. Give me back that draft pick!

    I'm a Chargers fan so if I could take back anyone I'd do my utmost to convince the Colts to draft Ryan Leaf so we could have gotten Peyton Manning. :D
  4. Canadian Power: The Canadian Forces as a Major Power

    TheMann I'm assuming that the rest of Nato is going to replace 5.56? As a NATO member I think they're bound to use the same standards as everyone else.
  5. Canadian Power: The Canadian Forces as a Major Power

    Oh nice. Btw how are the ford class doing in this timeline?
  6. Canadian Power: The Canadian Forces as a Major Power

    Looks cool however I do have one question. With all due respect, isn't the ship seem a bit over armed. I mean the total amount of VLS cells is more than that of an Burke class DDG. Where would you put all of the missile cells?
  7. Canadian Power: The Canadian Forces as a Major Power

    Cool. Btw whatever happened to the idea of a second carrier?
  8. Canadian Power: The Canadian Forces as a Major Power

    For replacing the warrior why not purchase a Ford class carrier? By that time, the Americans will have already had a couple of the class in commission and will have all of the bugs worked out. Why reinvent the wheel for just one carrier when you have an ally that's done nearly all of the work...