Map Thread XXII

Zveiner and I made these maps for the Sprouting from Babel series of language maps for Atlas Altera. Each language has a corresponding OTL ISO-639 language code, which you can use to search up for further reading. The map is numbered and colour coded by the first major branch of each language family. The other maps in the series are:
  1. African Lects
  2. Crucean Lects
  3. Septentrean Lects
  4. Borealean Lects - West
  5. Borealean Lects - East
Atlas Altera is a syntopian fiction project that leverages the classroom cliché map to reimagine how diversity and co-existence can take shape, all the while building from real but buried geographies. To learn more about Atlas Altera, visit or check out


By mid-1918, the position for the continental Entente powers was desperate, despite the string of American victories across the Atlantic. The Germans were winding down an offensive which had brought their armies within kilometers of Paris, and the French army had nearly reached its breaking point in its desperate attempt to stop them. On the Alpine front, the Austrians had broken through the main Italian lines and seized Venice, threatening a total collapse of the Italian war effort. In Russia, despite the defeat of a communist coup attempt the previous winter, the government and the war remained unpopular, especially as defeat after defeat in Ukraine and the Baltics made the military situation worse. Perhaps most importantly, though, the British blockage, which sealed the Atlantic and made the Mediterranean extremely dangerous to Entente shipping, was taking a terrible toll after four years. The civilian populations of France and Italy were on the verge of starvation, and public morale was at a nadir.

In these circumstances, Entente planners knew the only path to victory was to get American supplies and men to the European front, and the only way to do that was to contest the British Grand Fleet, by far the most powerful navy the world had ever seen.

As early as mid-June, British Room 40 reported that the American Atlantic Fleet, in command of the Western Atlantic since its victory at the Battle of the Grand Banks, had assembled in Boston and departed in force eastwards. However, because U.S. Admiral Sims swapped his callsign when embarking on the force flagship, the British Director of Operations misunderstood the report and assumed that Sims, and so the bulk of the main battle fleet, remained ashore. As such, when the British Grand Fleet sailed forth from Portsmouth on June 30 to intercept a reported French sortie, its commanders, Jellicoe and Beatty, remained unaware that the American main fleet was only a day's steam west of them.

At around 14:00 on July 1, Beatty's battlecruiser force met the main French battle fleet under Lacaze, consisting mostly of obsolete predreadnought battleships. By the end of the six-hour engagement, two French battleships were sunk and another two heavily damaged, while the British had lost one battlecruiser (to a magazine explosion resulting from reckless gunnery practices). Nevertheless, the bulk of the French fleet continued west rather than fleeing to its bases, leading the British to plan to intercept them with the main Grand Fleet.

As morning dawned on July 2, the two main fleets met and engaged in a brutal slugfight, where the dwindling French fleet lost another four battleships to the British two. More significantly, however, three more British battlecruisers suffered critical explosions as the result of what should have been minor hits, while Beatty's own flagship, the Lion, escaped this fate by seconds thanks to the quick thinking of a gunnery officer who flooded a magazine on the brink of exploding. Nevertheless, the ship was heavily damaged, and at about 13:00, Jellicoe detached the Lion, as well as a handful of other heavily damaged ships, and sent them back to port, screened by the battle line which was north of the French.

To his horror, though, as the detached ships moved northwards, they encountered a second enemy battle line - the American fleet, which had arrived before its detection by British patrols off Ireland had been reported to the Grant Fleet. Despite turning back towards the main force, the detached ships were soon sunk without survivors. The American fleet under Sims then made a quick about-face, leaving the British trapped between the two battle lines.

Over the remainder of the day and the following day, Jellicoe made several attempts to disengage, but repeatedly failed due to poor luck with the weather and his attempts to save ships which were running slowly due to engine damage. Only on the night of July 3-4, when a heavy storm blew in, was the fleet able to escape up the Channel, where the German High Seas Fleet was waiting to reinforce it. The Franco-American fleet, though, declined to continue the chase, instead retiring to Brest.

All three fleets suffered grievous losses over the course of the battle - particularly the French fleet, which had paid dearly for keeping faith in the appearance of its ally on July 1 and the first half of July 2. Nevertheless, on a strategic level, the battle had been a disaster for the British. With the American fleet in Brest, the Entente had regained control of the French coast, allowing American convoys to begin streaming into France despite Anglo-German attempts to raid them. A final attempt by the Anglo-German fleet to regain control in the Battle of the Channel ended indecisively.

The flood of American manpower to the Western front, and, perhaps more importantly, of American food to the hungry civilians of France and Italy, turned the tide of the war decisively, resulting in the capitulation of Austria and Germany in quick succession in 1919, and finally of Britain in 1920, ending six years of war. In the terms of the peace, the bulk of the remaining British fleet was handed over to the French and ultimately illegally scuttled by its sailors for the sake of honor in Bordeaux, leaving three hundred years of British naval dominance to a watery grave...

Inspired by a truly disastrous Rule the Waves 3 campaign. It's one of those great games which is engrossing and fun even when you lose - because that means you free up fleet space for new ships!
Beautiful map, but I found it quite hard to distinguish the dark shades in the flags on the world map. Black, green and blue all appear very similar to me. Nonetheless, a great work!
Continuation of this map.
This is around Turn 13, close to where we wrapped up last game.
I left a couple of things for reference but which quickly changed, such as the Paris situation.

Communist forces have, by this point, captured Three capitals of the Pact of Steel: Berlin, Amsterdam, Istanbul. Beijing also in striking distance.
UN Forces have not yet captured any capitals, but would eventually capture Paris after a sudden breakout, then collapse. (Soviet and Technate forces are... like RIGHT THERE, though, so if Paris had waited just one turn before punching out, they'd have been fine. Oops.)
Pact of Steel forces have not captured any capitals, and at this point the only one they have a chance for is the USSA, unless they can cobble together a defense. Kind of a toss-up, actually. The Japanese are insulated and have a LOT of transports floating around.

Comintern Total Production Points: 452
UN Total Production Points: 351
Pact of Steel Production Points: 245

Continuation of this map.
This is around Turn 13, close to where we wrapped up last game.
I left a couple of things for reference but which quickly changed, such as the Paris situation.

Communist forces have, by this point, captured Three capitals of the Pact of Steel: Berlin, Amsterdam, Istanbul. Beijing also in striking distance.
UN Forces have not yet captured any capitals, but would eventually capture Paris after a sudden breakout, then collapse. (Soviet and Technate forces are... like RIGHT THERE, though, so if Paris had waited just one turn before punching out, they'd have been fine. Oops.)
Pact of Steel forces have not captured any capitals, and at this point the only one they have a chance for is the USSA, unless they can cobble together a defense. Kind of a toss-up, actually. The Japanese are insulated and have a LOT of transports floating around.

Comintern Total Production Points: 452
UN Total Production Points: 351
Pact of Steel Production Points: 245

View attachment 866221
Japan going crazy
China is taking South Eastern Asia + the Raj
Europe belongs to the Comintern it looks like
Mexico got invaded again...
South America is under UN occupation
Non neutral Mongolia might change the tide in China or just loosen some strain on the USSR
The UN is behind by around a 100 points so still somewhat close, especially with Japan destroying the USSA
happy halloween everyone :-D

(inspired by Possible Histories recent video)
1907, Rasputin is summoned by the Tsaress to heal her son after suffering a hemorrhage. Worried of the potential consequences he might face should his healing not work, Rasputin turns to forbidden customs he never dared before. The next morning, the Tsaress's son is found dead. There is horror, sadness too profound to name, but eventually, there is an anger, so great it could only be summoned by a greiving mother, directed towards the false healer. Rasputin is executed soon afterwards. Greif cast over the Winter Palace as day turned to night. The following morning, just as the sun began to rise, a startling discovery was made by the young heirs morticians. He was alive! Rasputins magic had worked afterall. As a mother was reunited with her son, Rasputin arose from his grave as well. His humanity was gone, replaced by an overwhelming hate and desire for vengance. Alone in the forests of Siberia, a great army was summoned. Dead soldiers from centuries of Russian conquests awoke to fight once more. This first army to the new King of Hell-on-Earth, Grigori Rasputin, were shambling husks of people only held togethor by the dark magic which summoned them. Death was finally vanquished. Any soul pledged to the King was gifted with immortality. Over the course of the following months, the evil Kingdom spread across Siberia. Occasionally, detatchments of the Russian Army would be sent past the Urals, only to be defeated and absorbed into Rasputins forces. In the winter of 1907, Rasputin sent his army to overthrow the Tsar in a great, unholy march.
It has been 20 years since then. The Kingdom of Hell spans from Berlin to Beijing. Its progress is only slowed by the need to digest its conquered populations. Germany, Austria, the Ottomans, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, and the United States are joined in a holy coalition. As the UK cannablizes itself to supply the soldiers of God, the French Empire takes their place as the economic hegemon of South America and the premier land power of Europe. Despite their new power, Catholic conservatives demand entry into the War.
Across the Atlantic, the New World is being torn apart by socialists and conservatives. In the early days of the War, the revelation of Satans existance sent shock waves across the globe. Messianic figures were emboldened by the new-found faith in peoples hearts. Brazil was the state to fall to the Catholic-Socialist Revolution. Where these revolutions failed, like in Argentina and Columbia, the capitalist oligarchy established itself with more power than ever before. An Incan counter-revolution has recently rocked Peru, just as the socialist revolution in Mexico threatens to drag the United States into the South American Great War.
In 1910, Rasputin advanced into Manchuria, allured by the hundreds of millions of potential subjects. A coalition of European powers assembled at Peking to defend the most Middle Kingdom. Revolutionaries and isolationists reserved their dissatisfaction in fear of the great Devil of the North. Yet, in the time of their most perilous struggle, the Europeans failed to protect them. Their poor coridination (this was before the coalition) and self-centered interests led to them abandoning the city. The Emporer, who had put all his hopes on them, was betrayed as the Europeans retreated to secure their own colonial ambitions. It was obvious to everyone the Qing had lost the Mandate of Heaven. If a new order was not established, the Middle Kingdom would be utterly destroyed by the relentless forces of Hell. Actual fighting on the ground was extremely limited as everyones priority was defending China from the Devil's Horde. Yuan Shikai, commander of the grandest army ever assembled, formed the so-called "Republic of China". Born from the fires of a never-ending war, the new China is defined by its military. Duan Qirui has succeeded the late commander, and has done his best to keep the Horde at bay.
Biblically Accurate(ish) Apocalypse

…there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. (6:12)
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (6:14)
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; (6:15)
…and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. (8:5)
…and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. (8:7)
And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; (8:9)
…and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (8:11)
…and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. (8:12)
And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. (9:3)
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. (9:4)
And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. (9:7)
And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. (9:8)
And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. (9:9)
And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. (9:10)
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (13:1)
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. (17:11)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. (17:12)
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. (17:13)
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. (13:16)
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (13:17)
…and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. (16:2)
…poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. (16:8)
And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. (16:9)
…poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; (16:10)
…poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (16:11)
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (16:16)
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. (16:18)
And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. (16:20)
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. (16:21)
man, seeing more detailed more besides just revelations would be REALLY interesting. This map raises just SO many questions...

The movie and the real-life story of the Free State of Jones was a major inspiration for this post.

In this universe, the Free State of Jones rebellion inspired multiple slave rebellions across Southern Mississippi. These rebellions then joined up with Jones and united as one state and sided with the Union. Thanks to the rebelling slaves, Union loyalists, and abolitionists securing territory in the southern part of the state, the Union established a beachhead and began delivering supplies and reinforcements to the state of Jones.

After the war ended, the state of Jones, as a token of gratitude, was awarded statehood to the state of Jones. Under the state's first elected governor, Newton Knight, this new state would implement laws and policies that would protect and respect the rights of African Americans and crack down on white supremacist extremist groups such as the KKK.

Because of these laws allowing African Americans the ability to take part in the economy, the state experience an economic boom and become one of the few places in the post Civil War US where blacks and whites can work and live together without prejudice. Because of this, many African Americans moved to the state of Jones from neighboring the states of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana to escape the Jim Crow laws, discrimination, and violent white supremacists

This influx of new citizens would further boost the economy of Jones, and the state would become one of the most wealthy and peaceful states in the Southeastern US, where people of all races are welcomed with open arms and their rights are respected and protected under the law.

Jones would be one of the first states to give women the right to vote in 1870, and many notable Jonesians would serve admirably in both WW1 and WW2. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s, Jones would be one of the major locations where civil rights groups and organizations would establish their headquarters to organize protests and boycotts across Jim Crow states. The government of Jones would also provide material and financial aid to these groups. Jones would be the first state to legalize same sex marriage in 2003.

As of today, the state of Jones is one of the wealthiest and most progressive states in the Southeastern US with a thriving African American community and is famed for its rich diversity in food, culture, art, and many other things.

The capital of the State of Jones is Ellisville in Jones County, and its largest city is Biloxi. The population is estimated to be at 807,980, and the GDP is worth about $300 to $400 billion. The GDP per capita is about $55,000 to $75,000.

(Not Mine)​

The New (Old) Order: The Last Days of Freedom

"You must either conquer and rule or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be the anvil or the hammer" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The XXI century had started with the hope it would see the final triumph of liberalism, with all the world becoming one under a liberal order. In fact, it would see it's demise in most of it.
We are in 2045. 20 years ago, after Trump gor elected for his second term, he cut all military support for Ukraine, with most European countries following suit. By the end of the year, Ukraine saw itself on the negotiation table, having to sign out Crimea and the four oblasts claimed by Russia (except for west-bank Kherson).
The floodgates were open for authoritarians all around the world to feel emboldened and make their moves, while countries around the world run to ensure their safety on this new jungle.

-The United States has been since then under the continuous control of the Republican-American party, with them having throughly dismantled it's institutions with Project 2025. In some richer "blue" states, local authorities are still somewhat able to resist the central government, but the latter has been periodically curtailing states' right. The Republican-American administration has forbidden, outside of diplomatic staff and visits, to anyone who isn't a White Christian/Jew coming from Europe, the White Anglosphere, or South Africa/Zimbabwe to enter the country.
It has removed itself from international politics almost completely (NATO is now dead), even abandoning their associated states in Micronesia (We shoudn't send Real Americans' hard earned money to some hula dancers!"), just worrying itself with keeping the Panama Canal and ensuring it's position in North America.
Panama has been forced, on the point of the gun, to give again the Canal Region to the Americans. These, meanwhile, have promised to leave Panamanian internal politics alone (it's in fact, by now, a more democratic country than the US) and to extend it's security umbrella to it and neighbouring Costa Rica (one of the world's last liberal democracies), in fact being now the only foreign countries the US has made such commitment, obviously not out of some high-minded ideal, but just to ensure the security, and above all, the American preponderance on the Canal (and give it some strategic depth, the reason Costa Rica was included).
Guatemala and El Salvador are now right-wing dictatorships (Bukele is still in power in the latter) loosely connected to the Americans. In Mexico, meanwhile, MORENA has consolidated a leftist authoritarian regime there that, on it's own, would have liked to join ALBA (more on it later), but the Americans have made clear that it joining any non-US centered organization would get a nuclear answer. So, Mexico is (by force) on the American sphere.
-Most of LATAM is now part of ALBA, formed by authortiarian leftist regimes. Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina are the de facto leaders of the bloc, all of them having nuclear weapons.
-Along the late 20's diverse far-right governments would get in power in Europe, of special note being Germany, in 2025, and France, in 2027. In 2029, a concert of Western European powers and Russia launched, in a meeting in Vienna, a "new security architecture" for Europe.
-Most of Western Europe is now part of the League of Charlemagne, whose countries are now run by Orbán-style illiberal far-right goverments. Not only the League has estabilished the same travel bans as the US has, but has also determined that, to be able to be a citizen of one of their countries, at least seven of your great-grandparents have to be people that would have been allowed entry in the League. Obviously, this ended with milions of Europeans of XX/XXI c. migrant origin losing their citizenship and being "repatriated". Islam has also been criminalized in the League.
The League is de facto headed by Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, all of them with nuclear weapons. During the Vienna talks, Finland insisted to be able to have it's own nuclear weapons, what the Russians eventually allowed in exchange of something.
While not a part of the League, Switzerland, itself now with nuclear weapons, eagerly collaborates with it, and has voluntarily adopted the same travel and racial laws. The other microstates, overall still keeping somewhat liberal governments, have been strongarmed by the League to adopt at least the travel laws, so to not end being doors to "undesirables" to get into the continent.
They tried to impose these laws even on the Vatican, making the Papacy to abandon it in protest of the "blatantly un-Christian" coercion it was suffering. While the Vatican City still formally exists, having not been reclaimed by Italy, it's now a desert city, with the Papacy being now based in Santo Domingo.
-The Vienna talks gave the Russians carte blanche in former communist Europe and overall former USSR, along the overall Orthodox world. The Russians then forcibly annexed what remaned of Ukraine, along with Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic states, and Kazakhstan in the Eastern War, that saw Russia, together with Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan, fighting against Poland, the Baltics, Czechia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece. The war would see the nuclear bombings of Kyiv, Kharkhiv, Lviv, Warsaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Krakow, Brno, and Prague (the Old City is no more).
Russia is now the unambiguous leader of the Eurasian Union, covering most of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It's the only nuclar state of the group (the Hungarians did asked permission to have their own nukes, as a reward for their long loyalty towards Russia, and got a harsh no).
The Union doesn't adopt the League's travel and racial laws as it's policy, but most of it's European members outside Russia (Albania being the obvious exception) have adopted them.
Serbia has had to give the Hungarian-majority area of Vojvodina to Hungary, a decision Russia took due to considering Hungary to having been more loyal during the first Ukrainian war, but still could realize most of it's irredentist claims. Bosnia and Kosovo got ethnically cleansed, with the Croats in Bosnia going to Croatia, and the Bosniaks and Kosovo Albanians being expelled to Turkey (Kosovo Albanians weren't allowed to go to Albania to avoid strenghtening a country seen as fundamentally untrustworthy to the Union.
In exchange for allowing Finland to have it's own nuclear arsenal, it had to give Aaland to Russia. Formally it's now an independent country, the Aaland Republic, member of the union. In practice, most of the population left to either Sweden or Finland, and it is, in fact, a Russian naval base passing as a country.
-Between the League and the Union, we have Poland, Czechia, and Slovenia, the so called Neutral Countries. These, that suffered brutal devastation during the Eastern War, are de facto condominiums of the two blocs. Their militaries have been reduced to a glorified police force (being categorically forbidden to expand them), and the League's travel and racial laws have been inposed into them. None of the blocs can keep their own militaries on them during peacetime, so to serve as a buffer.
The Neutral Countries internal politics are, ironically still freer than those of both League and Union countries, but are heavily managed by both blocs, to bloc "unharmonious" policies and politicians. A politician that refuses to collaborate will get a visit from a nice fellow from the Stasi/FSB.
-Turkey, that has now it's own nuclear weapons, joined the Eastern War, together with Azerbaijan, just to be able to pull a landgrab (in Thrace and Syunik, respectivelly), but these countries showed no interest in joining the Union (neither were the Russians eager to have a second major power into it). They and the Azeris have been sending expelled Bosniaks and Kosovo Albanians, plus "repatriated" WEuropean Turks, to colonize Kurdistan and Syunik.
-Most of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is now part of the Alliance of Jerusalem, headed by it's two nuclear-armed states, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Israel has effectively concluded the Smotrich plan, with most Palestinians having been squeezed out of it (generally going to the Gulf States) with the remaining ones being non-citizens under a toothless PA, that "governs" some plots of land here and there.
A pro-Palestinian uprising in Jordan was brutally suppressed by the Alliance, with most Palestinian-descended people in Jordan being forced to leave the country (most of them ended going to Syria, Iraq, or Algeria.
-A nuclear-armed Iran now heads the Axis of Resistence. The Palestinians expelled from Jordan have been sent to colonize the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan.
The Yemen War was eventually ended with the repartition of the country, with the Republic of Aden and Hadhramaut joining the Alliance, and the (Houthi dominated) Yemen proper joining the Axis.
Lebanon eventually imploded into another internal conflict. With the Alliance distracted by Jordan, and a fully Axis-supprted Hezbollah being easily the major armed faction there, the later completely took over the country. Most of the Sunnis and Maronites have fled the country, the first going overall to Alliance countries, while the later went mostly to Canada or, especially, Australia.
-Most of Africa is now under the New African Union, headed by it's two nuclear members, South Africa and Algeria.
A coalition between hardline ANC members and EFF has instituted a leftist regime in South Africa, that with violent landgrabs and de facto discrimination, has led most of the White population of the country to leave it. Most of them went to Canada or Australia, but, unlike most other refugees around the world, those who desired got a red carpet welcome in the US or Europe, due to being very white and Christian.
Botswana refused to join the New Union, but got strongarmed into at least following it's line by the South Africans.
A constant source of tension between the New Union and the Alliance is Western Sahara, with the former recognizing it to this day, while the later supports Morocco.
-Britain now heads the Atlantic Commonwealth, considered the main remanant of the Old World Blues, being the only supranational organization whose all of it's members, and, more importantly, their leaders, are still overall liberal democracies. Beyond Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, and Guyana have their own nuclear arsenal (Britain outright gave nukes and associated technology to the Guyanese to ensure their safety on the deeply hostile neighbourhood of South America). There are also nukes based on the Falklands, under control of the local government.
Partly due to some remaining idealism, partly to give it more strategic depth, the Commonwealth has accepted, beyond the already quoted Netherlands, other democracies in the Atlantic basin that never were part of the original Empire, as with Iceland, the Dominican Republic (were the Pope is now), Suriname, Cabo Verde, São Tomé and Principe, and Liberia.
After Denmark went fash, Greenland and the Faroe Islands declared their independence, joining the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth and the New African Union had a showdown on the African countries desiring to join the former. The later threatened war if they refused to, if not to join the union, then to at least to follow their line, as they have done with Botswana. The Commonwealth made it clear that they would be willing to go to war, nuclear if needed, for the sake of these countries, and the New Union backed down. So impressive was the showing, that Sierra Leone restored the Windsor monarchy.
While Ireland hasn't formally joined the Commonwealth (the idea of joining a British-led organization being politically toxic), it mantains very close relations with it, and, many times, the Commonwealth leadership has reiterated that a threat to Ireland will be treated as a threat to the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth firmly rejects the travel and racial laws that have got in vogue around the developed West, still accepting the best and brightest from all around the world. The catch is that you must be among the best and brightest to get into. With a massive number of immigration requests, to be able to be accepted to immigrate to a Commonwealth country is an extremely competitive endeavour, one that even many White Americans and Europeans have gotten into, and you'll be unceremoniously rejected if you don't make the cut. This hasn't stopped Americans trying to to sail to the Bahamas or cross the Canadian border, or Europeans trying to cross the Channel. An exception to this draconian measures was the Commonwealth opening it's doors to the Maronite exodus, due to the fact that, with most of the other Christian countries being ruled either by racialists or by authoritarian socialists, they would have nowhere else to go where they could be reasonably safe.
Chile mantains a close cooperation with the Commonwealth, but it hasn't been accepted into it, mostly because the latter sees defending it as stretching them too much, but also in part because it's government has became quite unpalatable: Surrounded by ALBA countries, and after they managed to promote an insurrection that brought down the Paraguayan government, putting in power one aligned with the bloc, with afterwards ALBA trying to do the same in Chile, the given country has became quite authoritarian and militaristic, to supress "seditious" activities, it's borders have became a fortress, to keep away both ALBA armies and immigrants, and it has built the second largest nuclear arsenal in the Americas, only behind the American one.
-A large part of Asia is now covered by the China-headed Asian Cooperative Initiative. Beyond China, Pakistan and North Korea also have nuclear weapons there.
During the Vienna talks, taking afvantage of the crumbling security structure worldwide, China launched an invasion on Taiwan, that ended annexing the island.
The Chinese regime has been very busy helping the Thai and Burmese juntas to repress local insurgencies.
Malaysia is now a PAS-ruled theocracy, not formally part of the Cooperative but closely working with it. The Indo-Malaysians have fled to India, while the Sino-Malaysians have fled to India, Indonesia, Japan or (the very lucky ones) to Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. Sarawak and Sabah have declared independence.
-The remaining of the Indo-Pacific, in opposition to China, has organized itself into the Indo-Pacific Treaty. Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Vietnam and the Philippines are its nuclear powers (the later two insisted in having their own arsenals, not trusting they wouldn't just be abandoned by the rest of the organization as "just some poor countries").
Australia and Japan are, overall, liberal democracies, with the former following the non-racialist but still very harsh commonwealth immigration model (with an exception being opened to the Maronite exodus). Japan, meanwhile, has been, in fact, opening it's immigration quite a bit, due to it's demographic problems. Beyond receiving a massive number of Taiwanese, Sino-Malaysian, and Hong Konger refugees, there are now considerable Philippine and Vietnamese communities there, and almost all of the Japanese-Brazilian community has also immigrated there, fleeing the ALBA regime in their country.
South Korea is now again a military regime, that got into power to curb people unpleased with the increased SKorean collaboration with Japan, fearing they might end being a Chinese NKorean fifth column.
In the Philippines, the Marcos family has used the tense secutiry situation to, once again, entrench itself into power.
India is now a Hindu Supremacist regime, with most of it's Muslims having fled to Pakistan or Bangladesh (the most fortunate ones went to the Gulf).
Somalia and Kenya are associated with the Treaty, with some possibility of eventually being admitted.
After France went fash, Wallis and Futuna and French Polynesia promptly declared independence, being quickly recognized and admitted by the Treaty. Kanak leaderships in New Caledonia tried to do the same, resulting in an ethnic conflict that ended with the ethnic cleansing of the Kanak population. Most of it fled to Papua New Guinea.
-Countries completely outside blocs:
.Haiti: Now a completely failed state, with a president that only governs the palace while the rest of the country is taken by gangs. The Dominican Republic has built a wall separating them.
.Indonesia and Bangladesh: Nuclear armed states wanting to play both sides. Indonesia has been a dictatorship under Prabowo for two decades by now.
.Oman, Brunei, Singaopore and Mongolia: Just hoping no one remembers them.
.New Zealand: Also with a nuclear arsenal, proclaims itself neutral. Follows the Commonwealth model of immigration

-Recapitulating Nuclear states:
.Americas: Canada, The US, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil Argentina, and Chile
.Europe: Spain, France, Britain, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, and Russia
.Africa: Algeria and South Africa
.Middle East: Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran
.Asia-Pacific: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand

-Relations between blocs:
.As said at the start, the Americans are now staunchly isolationist, only caring about their position in North America.
.The League of Charlemagne is also strongly isolationist, albeit with close economic relationships with the Eurasian Union and some military collaboration with them.
.It's possible to discern two major alliances :ALBA - Eurasian Union - Axis of Resistence - Asian Cooperative Initiative vs Alliance of Jerusalem- Turkey - Indo-Pacific Treaty.
.The Atlantic Commonwealth nurtures some sympathy towards the Indo-Pacific Treaty, and they have some noteworth economic collaboration and even military, to some degree, but neither has the stomach to get involved on tensions on the other side of the world.
What's going on in America?
To make a long story short, in the closing days of World War II, the Nazis performed a ritual to summon Jormungandr and kick off Ragnarok, deciding that if they couldn't have the world then nobody could. While Jormungandr was huge and powerful, the air force killed him by flying a B-29 into his eye and setting off a nuke, which caused him to thrash violently before coming to rest across Europe and North Africa. The resulting mix of tsunamis and toxic blood and venom that spilled out from his eye contaminated the eastern half of North America, turning it into The Poisoned Lands, which also caused plants and animals to mutate.

The Poisoned Lands are basically lawless, aside from the Iowa Soviet, where former VP Henry Wallace leads a socialist hive mind after he and they ate magically contaminated wheat.
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Thought this would be a better place to put this, but here is the base map of the US (Plus PR upon request) I personally made for my election wikiboxes. I thought I would share this with everyone, also comes with base colours and alt colours for parties! Feel free to use!

To make a long story short, in the closing days of World War II, the Nazis performed a ritual to summon Jormungandr and kick off Ragnarok, deciding that if they couldn't have the world then nobody could. While Jormungandr was huge and powerful, the air force killed him by flying a B-29 into his eye and setting off a nuke, which caused him to thrash violently before coming to rest across Europe and North Africa. The resulting mix of tsunamis and toxic blood and venom that spilled out from his eye contaminated the eastern half of North America, turning it into The Poisoned Lands, which also caused plants and animals to mutate.

The Poisoned Lands are basically lawless, aside from the Iowa Soviet, where former VP Henry Wallace leads a socialist hive mind after he and they ate magically contaminated wheat.
The most bonkers thing about this to me is that "summoning Jormungandr" has pretty much nothing to do with Ragnarok as described in the sagas. Which I guess says something about me. I mean, for Ragnarok, the world would be frozen, then burned, then flooded, and everyone would die except for two people who hide in the roots of Yggdrasil (according to Snorri, who no doubt invented a lot of it and filled it with Christian imagery). Jormungandr barely features except to die by Thor's hand (and also killing Thor at the same time).
The most bonkers thing about this to me is that "summoning Jormungandr" has pretty much nothing to do with Ragnarok as described in the sagas. Which I guess says something about me. I mean, for Ragnarok, the world would be frozen, then burned, then flooded, and everyone would die except for two people who hide in the roots of Yggdrasil (according to Snorri, who no doubt invented a lot of it and filled it with Christian imagery). Jormungandr barely features except to die by Thor's hand (and also killing Thor at the same time).
Consider that it was the Nazi doing the summoning, and their knowledge of the saga was based more on Wagner than Snorri


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The New (Old) Order: The Last Days of Freedom

"You must either conquer and rule or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be the anvil or the hammer" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The XXI century had started with the hope it would see the final triumph of liberalism, with all the world becoming one under a liberal order. In fact, it would see it's demise in most of it.
We are in 2045. 20 years ago, after Trump gor elected for his second term, he cut all military support for Ukraine, with most European countries following suit. By the end of the year, Ukraine saw itself on the negotiation table, having to sign out Crimea and the four oblasts claimed by Russia (except for west-bank Kherson).
The floodgates were open for authoritarians all around the world to feel emboldened and make their moves, while countries around the world run to ensure their safety on this new jungle.

-The United States has been since then under the continuous control of the Republican-American party, with them having throughly dismantled it's institutions with Project 2025. In some richer "blue" states, local authorities are still somewhat able to resist the central government, but the latter has been periodically curtailing states' right. The Republican-American administration has forbidden, outside of diplomatic staff and visits, to anyone who isn't a White Christian/Jew coming from Europe, the White Anglosphere, or South Africa/Zimbabwe to enter the country.
It has removed itself from international politics almost completely (NATO is now dead), even abandoning their associated states in Micronesia (We shoudn't send Real Americans' hard earned money to some hula dancers!"), just worrying itself with keeping the Panama Canal and ensuring it's position in North America.
Panama has been forced, on the point of the gun, to give again the Canal Region to the Americans. These, meanwhile, have promised to leave Panamanian internal politics alone (it's in fact, by now, a more democratic country than the US) and to extend it's security umbrella to it and neighbouring Costa Rica (one of the world's last liberal democracies), in fact being now the only foreign countries the US has made such commitment, obviously not out of some high-minded ideal, but just to ensure the security, and above all, the American preponderance on the Canal (and give it some strategic depth, the reason Costa Rica was included).
Guatemala and El Salvador are now right-wing dictatorships (Bukele is still in power in the latter) loosely connected to the Americans. In Mexico, meanwhile, MORENA has consolidated a leftist authoritarian regime there that, on it's own, would have liked to join ALBA (more on it later), but the Americans have made clear that it joining any non-US centered organization would get a nuclear answer. So, Mexico is (by force) on the American sphere.
-Most of LATAM is now part of ALBA, formed by authortiarian leftist regimes. Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina are the de facto leaders of the bloc, all of them having nuclear weapons.
-Along the late 20's diverse far-right governments would get in power in Europe, of special note being Germany, in 2025, and France, in 2027. In 2029, a concert of Western European powers and Russia launched, in a meeting in Vienna, a "new security architecture" for Europe.
-Most of Western Europe is now part of the League of Charlemagne, whose countries are now run by Orbán-style illiberal far-right goverments. Not only the League has estabilished the same travel bans as the US has, but has also determined that, to be able to be a citizen of one of their countries, at least seven of your great-grandparents have to be people that would have been allowed entry in the League. Obviously, this ended with milions of Europeans of XX/XXI c. migrant origin losing their citizenship and being "repatriated". Islam has also been criminalized in the League.
The League is de facto headed by Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, all of them with nuclear weapons. During the Vienna talks, Finland insisted to be able to have it's own nuclear weapons, what the Russians eventually allowed in exchange of something.
While not a part of the League, Switzerland, itself now with nuclear weapons, eagerly collaborates with it, and has voluntarily adopted the same travel and racial laws. The other microstates, overall still keeping somewhat liberal governments, have been strongarmed by the League to adopt at least the travel laws, so to not end being doors to "undesirables" to get into the continent.
They tried to impose these laws even on the Vatican, making the Papacy to abandon it in protest of the "blatantly un-Christian" coercion it was suffering. While the Vatican City still formally exists, having not been reclaimed by Italy, it's now a desert city, with the Papacy being now based in Santo Domingo.
-The Vienna talks gave the Russians carte blanche in former communist Europe and overall former USSR, along the overall Orthodox world. The Russians then forcibly annexed what remaned of Ukraine, along with Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic states, and Kazakhstan in the Eastern War, that saw Russia, together with Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan, fighting against Poland, the Baltics, Czechia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece. The war would see the nuclear bombings of Kyiv, Kharkhiv, Lviv, Warsaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Krakow, Brno, and Prague (the Old City is no more).
Russia is now the unambiguous leader of the Eurasian Union, covering most of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It's the only nuclar state of the group (the Hungarians did asked permission to have their own nukes, as a reward for their long loyalty towards Russia, and got a harsh no).
The Union doesn't adopt the League's travel and racial laws as it's policy, but most of it's European members outside Russia (Albania being the obvious exception) have adopted them.
Serbia has had to give the Hungarian-majority area of Vojvodina to Hungary, a decision Russia took due to considering Hungary to having been more loyal during the first Ukrainian war, but still could realize most of it's irredentist claims. Bosnia and Kosovo got ethnically cleansed, with the Croats in Bosnia going to Croatia, and the Bosniaks and Kosovo Albanians being expelled to Turkey (Kosovo Albanians weren't allowed to go to Albania to avoid strenghtening a country seen as fundamentally untrustworthy to the Union.
In exchange for allowing Finland to have it's own nuclear arsenal, it had to give Aaland to Russia. Formally it's now an independent country, the Aaland Republic, member of the union. In practice, most of the population left to either Sweden or Finland, and it is, in fact, a Russian naval base passing as a country.
-Between the League and the Union, we have Poland, Czechia, and Slovenia, the so called Neutral Countries. These, that suffered brutal devastation during the Eastern War, are de facto condominiums of the two blocs. Their militaries have been reduced to a glorified police force (being categorically forbidden to expand them), and the League's travel and racial laws have been inposed into them. None of the blocs can keep their own militaries on them during peacetime, so to serve as a buffer.
The Neutral Countries internal politics are, ironically still freer than those of both League and Union countries, but are heavily managed by both blocs, to bloc "unharmonious" policies and politicians. A politician that refuses to collaborate will get a visit from a nice fellow from the Stasi/FSB.
-Turkey, that has now it's own nuclear weapons, joined the Eastern War, together with Azerbaijan, just to be able to pull a landgrab (in Thrace and Syunik, respectivelly), but these countries showed no interest in joining the Union (neither were the Russians eager to have a second major power into it). They and the Azeris have been sending expelled Bosniaks and Kosovo Albanians, plus "repatriated" WEuropean Turks, to colonize Kurdistan and Syunik.
-Most of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is now part of the Alliance of Jerusalem, headed by it's two nuclear-armed states, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Israel has effectively concluded the Smotrich plan, with most Palestinians having been squeezed out of it (generally going to the Gulf States) with the remaining ones being non-citizens under a toothless PA, that "governs" some plots of land here and there.
A pro-Palestinian uprising in Jordan was brutally suppressed by the Alliance, with most Palestinian-descended people in Jordan being forced to leave the country (most of them ended going to Syria, Iraq, or Algeria.
-A nuclear-armed Iran now heads the Axis of Resistence. The Palestinians expelled from Jordan have been sent to colonize the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan.
The Yemen War was eventually ended with the repartition of the country, with the Republic of Aden and Hadhramaut joining the Alliance, and the (Houthi dominated) Yemen proper joining the Axis.
Lebanon eventually imploded into another internal conflict. With the Alliance distracted by Jordan, and a fully Axis-supprted Hezbollah being easily the major armed faction there, the later completely took over the country. Most of the Sunnis and Maronites have fled the country, the first going overall to Alliance countries, while the later went mostly to Canada or, especially, Australia.
-Most of Africa is now under the New African Union, headed by it's two nuclear members, South Africa and Algeria.
A coalition between hardline ANC members and EFF has instituted a leftist regime in South Africa, that with violent landgrabs and de facto discrimination, has led most of the White population of the country to leave it. Most of them went to Canada or Australia, but, unlike most other refugees around the world, those who desired got a red carpet welcome in the US or Europe, due to being very white and Christian.
Botswana refused to join the New Union, but got strongarmed into at least following it's line by the South Africans.
A constant source of tension between the New Union and the Alliance is Western Sahara, with the former recognizing it to this day, while the later supports Morocco.
-Britain now heads the Atlantic Commonwealth, considered the main remanant of the Old World Blues, being the only supranational organization whose all of it's members, and, more importantly, their leaders, are still overall liberal democracies. Beyond Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, and Guyana have their own nuclear arsenal (Britain outright gave nukes and associated technology to the Guyanese to ensure their safety on the deeply hostile neighbourhood of South America). There are also nukes based on the Falklands, under control of the local government.
Partly due to some remaining idealism, partly to give it more strategic depth, the Commonwealth has accepted, beyond the already quoted Netherlands, other democracies in the Atlantic basin that never were part of the original Empire, as with Iceland, the Dominican Republic (were the Pope is now), Suriname, Cabo Verde, São Tomé and Principe, and Liberia.
After Denmark went fash, Greenland and the Faroe Islands declared their independence, joining the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth and the New African Union had a showdown on the African countries desiring to join the former. The later threatened war if they refused to, if not to join the union, then to at least to follow their line, as they have done with Botswana. The Commonwealth made it clear that they would be willing to go to war, nuclear if needed, for the sake of these countries, and the New Union backed down. So impressive was the showing, that Sierra Leone restored the Windsor monarchy.
While Ireland hasn't formally joined the Commonwealth (the idea of joining a British-led organization being politically toxic), it mantains very close relations with it, and, many times, the Commonwealth leadership has reiterated that a threat to Ireland will be treated as a threat to the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth firmly rejects the travel and racial laws that have got in vogue around the developed West, still accepting the best and brightest from all around the world. The catch is that you must be among the best and brightest to get into. With a massive number of immigration requests, to be able to be accepted to immigrate to a Commonwealth country is an extremely competitive endeavour, one that even many White Americans and Europeans have gotten into, and you'll be unceremoniously rejected if you don't make the cut. This hasn't stopped Americans trying to to sail to the Bahamas or cross the Canadian border, or Europeans trying to cross the Channel. An exception to this draconian measures was the Commonwealth opening it's doors to the Maronite exodus, due to the fact that, with most of the other Christian countries being ruled either by racialists or by authoritarian socialists, they would have nowhere else to go where they could be reasonably safe.
Chile mantains a close cooperation with the Commonwealth, but it hasn't been accepted into it, mostly because the latter sees defending it as stretching them too much, but also in part because it's government has became quite unpalatable: Surrounded by ALBA countries, and after they managed to promote an insurrection that brought down the Paraguayan government, putting in power one aligned with the bloc, with afterwards ALBA trying to do the same in Chile, the given country has became quite authoritarian and militaristic, to supress "seditious" activities, it's borders have became a fortress, to keep away both ALBA armies and immigrants, and it has built the second largest nuclear arsenal in the Americas, only behind the American one.
-A large part of Asia is now covered by the China-headed Asian Cooperative Initiative. Beyond China, Pakistan and North Korea also have nuclear weapons there.
During the Vienna talks, taking afvantage of the crumbling security structure worldwide, China launched an invasion on Taiwan, that ended annexing the island.
The Chinese regime has been very busy helping the Thai and Burmese juntas to repress local insurgencies.
Malaysia is now a PAS-ruled theocracy, not formally part of the Cooperative but closely working with it. The Indo-Malaysians have fled to India, while the Sino-Malaysians have fled to India, Indonesia, Japan or (the very lucky ones) to Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. Sarawak and Sabah have declared independence.
-The remaining of the Indo-Pacific, in opposition to China, has organized itself into the Indo-Pacific Treaty. Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Vietnam and the Philippines are its nuclear powers (the later two insisted in having their own arsenals, not trusting they wouldn't just be abandoned by the rest of the organization as "just some poor countries").
Australia and Japan are, overall, liberal democracies, with the former following the non-racialist but still very harsh commonwealth immigration model (with an exception being opened to the Maronite exodus). Japan, meanwhile, has been, in fact, opening it's immigration quite a bit, due to it's demographic problems. Beyond receiving a massive number of Taiwanese, Sino-Malaysian, and Hong Konger refugees, there are now considerable Philippine and Vietnamese communities there, and almost all of the Japanese-Brazilian community has also immigrated there, fleeing the ALBA regime in their country.
South Korea is now again a military regime, that got into power to curb people unpleased with the increased SKorean collaboration with Japan, fearing they might end being a Chinese NKorean fifth column.
In the Philippines, the Marcos family has used the tense secutiry situation to, once again, entrench itself into power.
India is now a Hindu Supremacist regime, with most of it's Muslims having fled to Pakistan or Bangladesh (the most fortunate ones went to the Gulf).
Somalia and Kenya are associated with the Treaty, with some possibility of eventually being admitted.
After France went fash, Wallis and Futuna and French Polynesia promptly declared independence, being quickly recognized and admitted by the Treaty. Kanak leaderships in New Caledonia tried to do the same, resulting in an ethnic conflict that ended with the ethnic cleansing of the Kanak population. Most of it fled to Papua New Guinea.
-Countries completely outside blocs:
.Haiti: Now a completely failed state, with a president that only governs the palace while the rest of the country is taken by gangs. The Dominican Republic has built a wall separating them.
.Indonesia and Bangladesh: Nuclear armed states wanting to play both sides. Indonesia has been a dictatorship under Prabowo for two decades by now.
.Oman, Brunei, Singaopore and Mongolia: Just hoping no one remembers them.
.New Zealand: Also with a nuclear arsenal, proclaims itself neutral. Follows the Commonwealth model of immigration

-Recapitulating Nuclear states:
.Americas: Canada, The US, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil Argentina, and Chile
.Europe: Spain, France, Britain, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, and Russia
.Africa: Algeria and South Africa
.Middle East: Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran
.Asia-Pacific: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand

-Relations between blocs:
.As said at the start, the Americans are now staunchly isolationist, only caring about their position in North America.
.The League of Charlemagne is also strongly isolationist, albeit with close economic relationships with the Eurasian Union and some military collaboration with them.
.It's possible to discern two major alliances :ALBA - Eurasian Union - Axis of Resistence - Asian Cooperative Initiative vs Alliance of Jerusalem- Turkey - Indo-Pacific Treaty.
.The Atlantic Commonwealth nurtures some sympathy towards the Indo-Pacific Treaty, and they have some noteworth economic collaboration and even military, to some degree, but neither has the stomach to get involved on tensions on the other side of the world.
Current politics goes in Chat.
WIP, Made some more progress on both my Retrofuture maps, the 1980s Retrofuture (on top) and the 1990s Retrofuture (on bottom).

I tried to capture the trends, hopes, and fears of each era. In the 1980s we saw the socialist order breaking down, and the capitalist one starting to triumph, but there was some concern for capitalist excesses, corporate domination, inequality, etc. Oh, and people are still listening to Hair Metal, Grunge was never a thing in 1980s-World.

The 1990s were characterized by a period of heady optimism in capitalism, globalization, and democracy, and I have tried to reflect that in the map. You may note that the colors of various Eurasian powers are more "cool" and concordant with each other. That is a deliberate choice, to reflect that in 1990s-World, all the states are "moving towards [capitalist] democracy," (analogous to the Soviet concept of "countries on the path of socialist development"). Also, the Backstreet Boys never became "cringe" in 1990s-world, they instead became the heralds of a regnant style of pop music.

1980s Punk.png

1990s Punk.png