What are some of the best Axis-victory TLs?

The Fatherland by Onkel Willie, From the Atlantic to the Urals (and related stories) by varyar and The Anglo American Nazi War by CalBear.
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I haven’t been able to find many. I found a reluctant fuhrer and enthusiastic fuhrer ones but not much else. I may not know how and where to look for stuff
The Anglo/American - Nazi War in some way. Not total nazi victory and they not last very long but it is one of best written and probably one of most plausible things what I have read here or on some other places.

It is really hard to write excellent Axis victory TL sinec even winning is quiet hard and many fail do that with plausible way. And pst-WW2 are not oftern very plausible too.
I have written a few (heavily critizised), and I concur that its entirely true that the odds are heavily weighted against Germany. So far even the most cunning pod needs a lot of follow-on German luck on how that pod plays out.

David Flin

Gone Fishin'
It's hard to get a plausible victory for a dysfunctional, internally-squabbling, short-termist state with massive resource shortages when it pits itself against the world's biggest industrial power that's way out of reach, another power that has manpower and space reserves far beyond what it has available, and a world-spanning Empire where much of the territory is out of reach.
Axis victories are not suited to the TL format. The TL format is supposed to be for "hard" AH where each and every change is examined in depth. Axis victories require so much handwaving and implausibility that doing so just doesn't look right. (And trying to justify it frequently makes the problem worse). However, for "soft" AH where instead of "how this happened", it's just "this happened, and the story takes place there", it can work better. See Harris' Fatherland fora serious example and the Wolfenstein games for a pulpy example.

(In fact, very little AH really is suited to the TL format in my mind, and it's used because of inertia and being easy to write, but that's another story for another time).
I haven’t been able to find many. I found a reluctant fuhrer and enthusiastic fuhrer ones but not much else. I may not know how and where to look for stuff
Do you have a link to enthusiastic fuhrer? I couldn't find it using either Google or the search function.

EDIT: I found it. The title is actually "an extremely enthusiastic hitler".
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I'm quite a fan of Thousand Week Reich, even if it's not an "orthodox" TL. It's a map TL showing off maps of Nazi Germany (and the world) from around 1950 to 2020.
If you'd read those villifying trolling comments you'd see that most of them were genuine ones and ones that tried to raise real points and the like. Basically when it became clear that Boo's gonna Wehr that people basically gave up.
Those of us who were aware of the author's previous work were under no illusions about the objective of the timeline and the flaws in it, pretty much from the first posting.


... and unfortunatly didn't finished the IMHO still best attempt of it.
... only to be shifted to writers forum after massive spamming, trolling, vilifiing
The Writers forum is not some form of Gulag, many fine TLs are to be found there. The only differences are that TLs there aren't subject to the legitimate scrutiny of plausibility that TLs in Post-1900 are and Writers is restricted to board members, that's the sum total of the differences.


To go back to the OPs question the best Nazi victory TLs are the ones that don't dwell on the how but focus on the consequences, so AANW is probably the best.